PSN NameSunBunz
Vocation WarriorWarrior
Gender male Male
NeedsSoapy Massage
Description(Owns all Pawn Badges) A fierce, confident, yet friendly giant Orc. He knows all areas “like the back of his hand” and will lead you to treasure “round every corner,” he’ll be your tank in the front lines, and your heavy-lifting pack mule. He’ll hack, slash, bash and gash anyone standing in your way. Hidden bonus! Did I mention he likes to play catch with animals? (Not with animals, but USING animals. Small ones.) He finds it very amusing. Give it a try. ^_-
Additional informationNOTE: Please leave me a direct message when friend-requesting so I know it's for DD2. I change “Pawn Quests” to give other players easy money like 1 tarring arrow for 12 Onyx Stones. (You can sell for 288,800 gold!) I switch it up for other rarer items as rewards as well. If you need anything in particular, let me know, I may be able to provide it.