A community for sharing pawns among active players
About the Original Pawn Sharing Club
This club works both ways: we hire your pawns, you hire ours. This is meant to be an active pool of players,
where you are visible from time to time, letting the rest of us know what RC/items and knowledge you got from us,
with whom you are travelling, etc. Your pawn may not get many hires if you only promote your pawn once.
Return hires are appreciated but there is no obligation to return a hire if their pawn is not suitable for your current party/level.
Players may send your pawn back with large amounts of RC. There is no requirement to try and match this amount should you return the rent.
A hire, nice rating and any amount of rc is appreciated.
The best way to get hires is by hiring others and by being active in the current club topics at GameFAQs. Introducing yourself and your pawn(s) is a good start!
The club is here for fun, helping others, and the enjoyment of interacting with fellow players. Unfairly criticizing or pressurizing others
with regards to rents or general trolling, whether publicly or via pm, may result in removal from the club.
If any members feel they have been treated unfairly, please pm paasky
with your concerns.
Adding Your Pawn to The Club List
If you want to become a member of the club, Sign up and
add your pawn to the list by following the instructions.
Updating Your Pawn Information
You should update your info on the list on a regular basis: make sure to adjust your pawn's level, vocation etc. when it changes.
If you stop playing Dragon's Dogma, please take your pawn(s) off the list
by setting their status to Inactive; you may activate them again if you come back.
Acknowledging a Hire at GameFAQs
An important duty is posting a little thank you about who rented your pawn,
how much RC you got, what gifts you received, and what knowledge your pawn learned.
By doing this, other players will be able to see that you (and those who hired you) are active, and therefore they are
more likely to hire your (and their) pawn.
You can view details of each hire when you stay at an inn:
Press [Square]
in the "hire window" which shows the Arisen's name, PSN name and RC you gained,
and then you can view more detailed information; cycle through it with [R1].
In case you missed the name who hired your pawn, go in the rift and do a search for pawns your main pawn knows. This will give a list of people that have hired you. The last one will be at the bottom of the list.
There is no way to see any specific details of hire(s) afterwards so record them when you are in "hire window".
Hiring Higher Level Pawns
You can hire higher level pawns for free (0 RC) by becoming friends with their owner on the PSN. Most people at GameFAQs with
their pawn info in their signature will accept a friend request, so don't be shy, but it's best to write that you are from the Sharing Club.
Note: when you hire pawns above your Arisen level, there is a penalty to the Experience Points (EXP) you earn; you get the maximum penalty
if a pawn you hire is above your Arisen level by 25 levels or more. In the same way, if you hire pawns below your current level,
you get an EXP bonus, which caps at 25 levels below your Arisen.
You can use the EXP / RC Calculator to
view your EXP gains with different combinations of supporting pawns.
Sending Gifts to Other Players
The maximum total number of items and equipment that you
can send as a gift at one time is 10. For example, you can
send 10 items to one pawn or 5 items to two pawns.
Items are sent when you rest, so it is recommended to rest each time you
release a pawn. If you gift more than 10 total items and then rest,
all items and RC will be lost.
Activity Star System
If you are actively playing the game, please update your activity stars to 5
by clicking the Max! button next to them.
Stars are removed on a fixed schedule to help identify member activity:
one star is removed every Monday at 00:00:00 GMT.
If you lose all your activity stars, your pawn(s) will be removed from the list,
so be sure to use the Max! button to keep your activity up-to-date.
Take note that if members lose all their activity stars and then update their stars to 5 again,
their pawn(s) will be added at the bottom of the list instead of their original position(s).
Game Data Hacking Prohibited
Modding pawn stats, pawn leaderboard rankings and item stat values is prohibited. Altered game data can corrupt
other players' games and may prevent summoning of your pawn. We play legitimately and do not wish that to happen here.
Any members caught enlisting a hacked pawn will have their pawns removed from the list and may be permanently suspended from the club.
We also recommend that you read the
Basic Pawn Hiring & Sharing Faq
to learn about things like how to prevent body bags and other basics of pawn sharing.
Happy Hunting Everyone!
Be a sponsor of the Official Pawn Sharing Club. Your donation will help to pay the bills, keeping the OPSC website up. Any amount is appreciated.
Please send any suggestions, feedback or problem report regarding the site to
paasky at GameFAQs.